Saturday 5 November 2011

Through chef's eyes

Yes, well its been ages. Don't be mad at me and I won't be mad at you.  A friend told me my blog was a SHAM! Because I started it then just stopped, all i'll say is, how did we ever live without the internet?!
Life as a consultant is treating me so well! Work?, I dont feel like I work at all and people are so grateful for my demos! (Except Rory because every time I do a demo I take away his Thermomix!).  My customers are all lovely and very keen to share their cooking experiences with me, we're just lucky the machines' life expectancy is around 40 years as it will take that long to simply scratch the surface of what this machine is capable of!
Ive made sooooo many things with my thermie since my last blog, Ive used it to cater a couple of events, my favourite thing being just how quickly and perfectly it  helps me make pastry!  Ive tweaked the TM mash recipe to make it like the french style truffle mash I used to make at my old job, and served it at a function. Everyone was drunk and loud but as the meal was served all I could hear was 'aklsjdhdfohawrf MASH klsajhfdfgjjhd MASH aljshhff MASH!' as people took their first bite.
I took thermie on a girls weekend and as soon as I arrived made strawberry sorbet for our champagnes, and an assortment of dips to last the weekend.  Then cooked the bechemel for lasagne in the thermie and sat back and relaxed shortly after, with a champagne or ten....
I kept revisiting the kitchen thinking about what else I could whip up, and then getting told to sit down and relax, but as I'm sure every chef will know, we are most comfortable in the kitchen.  I became a chef because I love cooking, but even more than cooking, I love cooking for a reason, that's when you really get 'in the zone', under pressure and focussed, it'[s meditation for us.  Sometimes, I have to remind myself that not everyone else is on the same wavelength as chefs, not everyone wants their chocolate factory experience tarnished by me exclaiming, 'You know they don't actually make chocolate here!',  or their cheese factory experience with me saying 'You know they don't actually make cheese here!'.  Later as we were walking along the beach admiring the beauty of washed up sea urchins, I picked up one and excitedly exclaimed 'This one still has food inside!' At that point we realised I view the world slightly differently than my friends,  through chefs eyes.....